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Best hacks for pvp?
How to add wurst into other modpacks?
question about .enchant and .gm
the best way to bypass anti xray plugins
Screen share bypass
Customizable Auto - Librarian
Mod Menu Button
run wurst on lunar client
Wurst 7.46.1 not compatible with sodium 0.6.5?
Architectury not available?
Visual bugs
Kicked from server for "[Vulcan] Unfair Advantage"
question about cost and anticheats
Wurst 7.46.5 Crash
Game Crashing
Game crashes when breaking a block
Wurst crashing the game on a piston retract
Wurst Crashing 1.21.1
How can i hide my "wurst client" from popping up on the "mod menu" mod
Wurst & Iris
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