Minecraft 23w31a has been released. I will start updating once Fabric supports this version. https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/minecraft-snapshot-23w31a
Judging by the changelog, this seems to be quite a large snapshot, so it might take me a bit longer than usual to get everything working. Also, if I understand correctly, the new villager trading system will eventually make AutoLibrarian obsolete, which is unfortunate.
I was actually in the middle of developing Wurst 7.36 when this snapshot got released, so we have two options now. I can either release Wurst 7.36 as it is along with support for 23w31a, or branch off of Wurst 7.35.2 and port that to the new snapshot.
In its current state, Wurst 7.36 improves the settings of BuildRandom and AutoComplete, which is nice, but it's not at all what you guys voted for in that big poll we did on Reddit about two months ago. I feel like I owe you guys to implement at least one of the big suggestions from that poll before I can justify releasing this update. (I've already released the elytra NoFall fix in v7.35.2, which was one of the big suggestions from that poll, but still.)
But historically, releasing smaller, more frequent updates has worked much better than splitting the codebase in two and releasing bigger, less frequent updates. It creates a shorter feedback loop and makes it so you don't have to wait for simple changes and fixes just because "the update isn't big enough to release yet".
I'm curious to hear what you guys think about this. Should I release Wurst 7.36 as it is right now? Should I port v7.35.2 to 23w31a and wait with v7.36 until it has more features? Does it even matter? Let's do a new poll here and find out. (This is my first time using the poll feature on this forum, I hope this actually works.)