@Everyone Wurst 7.36 is now available, bringing improvements to BuildRandom and AutoComplete, as well as support for Minecraft snapshot 23w31a! https://www.wurstclient.net/updates/wurst-7-36/

By popular vote, I've released v7.36 early instead of adding snapshot support to the older version 7.35.2. This should simplify development going forward, so hopefully you won't have to wait long before Wurst 7.37 is released.
Of course, snapshot 23w31a is not the latest snapshot anymore - Mojang just released 23w32a today. The reason it took so long to support 23w31a is that it was the first snapshot in a long time and it broke a lot of things.
This week's snapshot 23w32a seems to be much smaller, so I would expect it to be supported by tomorrow or even later today, depending on how soon we get a working Fabric API for it.
Lastly, Mo Glass and WI Zoom have also been updated to support 23w31a. You can download them here: https://www.wimods.net/snapshots/23w31a/
Update: The download page now includes 23w32a option. You might need to refresh the page if you can't see it.