So, there is a youtuber called EightSidedSquare, he did a video called "What Minecraft Looks Like for a Mojang Dev" and in that video he revealed Minecraft's hidden developer tools used by Devs, like mob tasks, anger level, F3 functions and etc…
What is AIshow going to do? It is going to show:
- Mob's walking path (Like if a chicken is at 0,0,0 coordinates and chicken's AI wanted it to go 4, 0, 3 it will show a path like an esp)

What task the mob is doing. (On top of the chicke
n there are tasks like: "walking", "looking at the player", "panic (run)" and etc…)

These "class_1376" and etc. should be task names, i don't know which one is which
- Mob AI's things. (In the video villager had other things like "xp", "health, "name")

- Mob's nbt tags (In the video at the very top of the mob it had tags like "walk-target", "nearest-players", "nearest-hostile" and etc…)