Wurst version: Wurst 7.39
Minecraft version: 1.20.2
Steps to reproduce:
1. Do a virus scan targetting any of minecrafts files?
2. antivirus says its C:\Users\Gaming\Downloads\Wurst-Client-v7.39-MC1.20.2.jar tried to load a malicious resource detected as Java.Trojan.GenericGBA.34251 and was blocked. Your device is safe.
3. and blocks wurst jar from mypc
4. when going into the details of the scan it says
| |
| --- |
| Users\Gaming\Downloads\Wurst-Client-v7.35-MC1.19.4.jar=>net/wurstclient/util/DefaultAutoBuildTemplates.class |
| |
| --- |
| C:\Users\Gaming\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\mods\Wurst-Client-v7.39-MC1.20.2.jar=>net/wurstclient/util/DefaultAutoBuildTemplates.class |
both have
| |
| --- |
| Java.Trojan.GenericGBA.34251 |
please fix ty <3