Hey prince_30390!
I'm not too familiar with Pojav launcher unfortunately. Maybe someone in the Pojav launcher community will be able to give you a better answer.
What I can tell you is that these old Wurst 6 installers work by creating a modified version of the Minecraft jar file (this is sometimes called "jarmodding", at least I remember Forge/MCP people used to call it that). To use Wurst 6 in a third-party launcher, the challenge is typically where to place that custom jar file so that the launcher will load it and not auto-replace it with the vanilla jar.
I might not be telling you anything new here, since you say you already had it working before a recent Pojav launcher update. But just in case, here is how you should probably try to install Wurst 6 on Pojav launcher:
Create the custom jar file by running the Wurst 6 installer on a PC. Instead of "Install", you need click on "Extract" and choose a temporary destination for the jar file. (Note: The installer will not work if you don't have Minecraft 1.8/1.12 already installed on that PC, since the installer needs your vanilla 1.8/1.12 jar to create the custom one.)
Transfer the custom jar file to your phone, into whatever folder custom jars are normally supposed to go when using Pojav launcher. This is different from the "mods" folder where normal Fabric/Forge mods would go. It might be called something like "jar mods" or "versions". I can't seem to find anything about it on the Pojav website though.
Hope this helps... or at least gives you some new keywords to search for / ask Pojav devs about. Good luck!