Hey wurst103293,
This error message you're seeing is displayed by Fabric API, which is why it doesn't show up when you remove the Fabric API jar from your mods folder. Again, this has nothing to do with Wurst. Wurst does not add any modded registries or care about anyone else's modded registries.
This is just Fabric API trying to stop you from shooting yourself in the foot. Even if you can bypass the error message by deleting Fabric API, that does not fix the underlying issue. You're still missing the required mods to join this server and something, somewhere, will go horribly wrong if you keep playing like this.
I understand that you're annoyed by this message and would like it to go away, without actually fixing the problem that it's telling you about. But trying to convince me that your mismatched client-server setup is fine is pointless. I'm not the one in charge of Fabric API's error messages to begin with. I couldn't make that change for you even if I wanted to.
Thanks for understanding!