@Everyone Wurst 7.46.1 is now available, improving compatibility with Sodium and fixing a few issues people found with the 7.46 release. Download it here: https://www.wurstclient.net/updates/wurst-7-46-1/

AntiKnockback's horizontal and vertical strength sliders are no longer limited to a minimum of 1%, so for example if you want AntiKnockback to leave the vertical knockback completely unaffected, you can now set the vertical strength to 0%. (/d/809)
AntiKnockback's horizontal and vertical strength sliders can now go as low as -100%, giving you twice as much knockback as you'd normally get.
Restored compatibility with older versions of Sodium in Minecraft 1.21 and 1.21.1, so now both Sodium 0.6 and Sodium 0.5 are supported. (/d/807)
Fixed a rotation bug causing AutoFish mcMMO mode to get stuck when you're fishing from a boat or other vehicle. (#1067, /d/818)
Fixed an error message appearing in the logs when joining a cracked server with a cracked alt. (#1068, #1069)