Download: https://ko-fi.com/Post/Early-Access-Wurst-7-46pre2-S6S213A8N0
Changelog (since v7.46pre1)
Added VeinMiner: Automatically mines ore veins for you. Just click on a vein and it will take care of it. You can also configure it to treat other things as veins than just ores.

Completely rebuilt MobSpawnESP from the ground up, which should fix many sporadic crash issues that plagued the old version. (#978, #1062, /d/707, /d/718)
Added "Night color", "Day color", and "Opacity" settings to MobSpawnESP.
Removed MobSpawnESP's "Loading speed" slider.

Added a "Swing hand" setting to Nuker, NukerLegit, and SpeedNuker.
Wurst's setting descriptions can now be made out of multiple translated and untranslated components. This makes it possible to translate more complicated setting descriptions like the one for the "Swing hand" setting.
All of Wurst's "Swing hand" settings are now fully translatable.
Changelog since v7.45.1: https://www.wurstclient.net/updates/wurst-7-46pre2/