Hey Cyclopropinon,
I'm not sure exactly how difficult that would be to implement, but it's definitely a major overhaul. I think there are two main problems that need to be solved: the user interface and the loading/saving of profiles.
YesCheat+ had the ability to restrict settings, but all of its profiles were hardcoded. There was no UI for customizing its behavior and no file format to save that behavior.
TooManyHax has customizable profiles, but these profiles are limited to blocking features altogether. And even then, the UI for customizing TooManyHax profiles currently only exists in the form of chat commands.
It might be best to start by creating a better UI for TooManyHax's current capabilities, then adding the ability to restrict settings and renaming it back to YesCheat+. These changes would probably be spread across multiple Wurst updates.
It's unfortunate how often TooManyHax development has to take a backseat as far more users want to see improvements in other parts of the Wurst Client. Right now, given the upcoming Minecraft 1.20.5 release and various combat/settings changes already started for Wurst 7.42, it might take a while longer before I can prioritize a TooManyHax overhaul.