Wurst version:7.37
Minecraft version:1.20.1
Steps to reproduce:
1.use LittleSkin or BlessingSkin as the minecraft authlib-injector
2.intsall wurst and open minecraft
3.play online servers
I have installed CustomSkinLoader, but this didn't fix the problem.
I'm sure the probem is caused by wurst, for if I delete wurst from mods folder, the problem doesn't exist anymore.
I am using LittleSkin as my minecraft authlib-injector. -->LittleSkin - 快速、可靠的公益 Minecraft 皮肤站
This problem doesn't exist in single player mode.
The following picture shows the problem.
It only shows the defult minecraft skin, and it isn't the skin I selected from LittleSkin. My skin supposed to be ↓